Developing Your Social Media Presence
By Megan McDonald
Hello friends & fellow marketers!
If we haven’t met, my name is Megan – the creative behind AmeliamCo. Recently I was thinking about how I haven’t shared much here on the blog, even though I was really looking forward to it. Honestly the year has flown by and a lot has happened! I’m sure this is relatable for many when it comes to projects we meant to get around to. Well today is the day… I’m here to share some of my favourite tools and tips for Developing Your Social Media Presence. This blog covers finding your audience, content creation, setting the stage for your sales funnel, and tracking metrics.
Getting your business online and creating social media channels that represent your business online can be time-consuming and hard. Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way!
To start I want you to take inventory of what platforms you currently use:
Where on Social Media is your Target Demographic?
In the social media world often we find some platforms work better than others for connecting with our audiences. In short, this is due to the different demographics and use types of each platform. To avoid overwhelming yourself focus in on what platforms your target demographic habitually uses. Here is a brief breakdown of the typical demographic on each platform:
- Facebook – Millennials, GenX, Baby Boomers
- Instagram – Millennials, GenZ
- Twitter – Millennials, GenZ, GenX
- LinkedIn – Millennials, GenX
- Pinterest – Millennials, GenZ
- TikTok – GenZ
- E-Newseltter – All Ages
You may see some repetition and overlap here and thats pretty common as each platform reaches maturity. However each generation tends to use the platforms differently. For example, GenZ typically uses Instagram & TikTok, not only as intended but also as a search engine. By comparison, Millennials and GenX use Facebook and Instagram to look up people and see what others are up to. Some may even use TikTok but more for info or entertainment content. Rather than looking up reviews, restaurants and more like their younger GenZ counterparts.
By finding the platform that your audience primarily uses, you can be most efficient is developing out your online presence.
Where to Start With Developing Content?
Once you’ve identified a platform or two to focus on its time to think about content! Some of the easiest content to think about sharing is the day to day behind your business. Think about it, given that we use social media in our personal lives to keep up and learn new things… Why wouldn’t we share content with our potential clients and customers about the day to day of what we’re doing?
I like to break content into three streams:
- Informational/Knowledge based content (day to day).
- An external interest that relates to your biz, but is more relaxed and also ties into the content your audience may like.
- Your Products & Services.
Content Marketing Trends of 2022
In the past 2 years we have seen a huge shift in the way social media algorithms push and promote content. On instagram for example stories & videos have a much higher viewership and engagement rate lately. When we look at video content, it has taken over and out-preforms all other content types across each platform (except maybe LinkedIn & Pinterest). I like to think about this as bite sized informational content. Sometimes videos can just be for the purpose of jumping on a trend thats going viral. Of course, most times this type of engagement doesn’t exactly translate into sales or customer interest.
Video Content Ideas (General):
- How-to format videos.
- Talking about why you’re passionate about the industry you are in.
- Behind the scenes of a product restock.
- Stories of how your services made an impact.
- Packing online orders.
- Team roles and their day to day.
- Information about upcoming specials.
- Your life as an entrepreneur or employee.
- Buying trips
- Conferences & meeting others in your industry.
With any type of content you create and share in the early stages of developing your online presence; it’s important to understand you’re creating the baseline for your customer journey. I typically recommend starting out by sharing content that gets people familiar with your business and brand. Don’t forget to sprinkle in your products, but the key here is to demonstrate the value you offer. In other words, that may be your knowledge, an inside look or simply sharing things that excite you .
What does Developing Your Social Media Presence have to do with Analytics and Tracking?
The last piece of advice I have for you today is to track everything and set smart goals! Every social media platform offers some form of analytics. Don’t forget to check them out! This can give you insight on what time to post (when your audience is active), help you identify what kinds of content works best for you (Likes, Comments, Shares, Follower Count), and information to better nail down your demographic on the platform. In noting these things down each month by doing a quick content review, you can see the progress of growth and also optimize the content you share on each platform moving forward. This can be tricky and we’ve only covered the basics but I really do champion following up on your analytics as a sure way for sustainable growth online.
Thank you for taking the time to read through todays blog post & hopefully you found a few things that you can add into your process of developing your social media presence!
If you want to chat more make sure to reach out by contacting me here!